

The iPOPs laboratory will involve the whole of Ined and its governance will be both specific and at the same time coordinated with that of the Institute.

Executive directorate

The role of iPOPs executive directorate will be to organize the system of collaboration between the various research partners, to oversee project advancement, to define the strategy for protection of intellectual property rights with the support of the services devoted to developing the utilization of results, and to implement appropriate communication tools for attracting public and private partners. The iPOPs director will be the director of INED, assisted by two researchers in charge of teaching and exploitation of results, and by a secretariat which will also be responsible for the day-to-day running of the laboratory, in association with the INED general secretary.


• François Clanché  - Direction
• Géraldine Duthé - Direction déléguée à la recherche
• Sandrine Dauphin - Direction des Relations Internationales et des Partenariats
• Laurent Toulemon - Délégué aux infrastructures de recherche
• Didier Breton - Délégué à l’insertion et représentant des partenaires iPOPs
• Anne Lambert - Déléguée aux affaires doctorales et postdoctorales
• Anissa Djelassi-Saidani - Coordinatrice de programmes en sciences humaines et sociales

Council of laboratory partners

Le conseil des partenaires accompagne la direction dans la gestion du laboratoire. Il est composé de représentants issus du conseil d’administration de l’Ined et des partenaires scientifiques ou financiers.

A council of laboratory partners will be responsible for supporting and advising the laboratory director. It will meet at least once a year and will comprise representatives of the INED board of administration, along with a representative of each scientific or financial partner.


• Jean-Claude Wacquet - EPHE, campus Condorcet
• Jean-Marc Tallon - CES, Université Paris I
• Yves Charbit - CEPED, Université Paris Descartes
• Christophe Bergouignan - COMPTRASEC, Université Montesquieu - Bordeaux IV
• Didier Breton - CRESS, Université de Strasbourg
• Hugues Brunet - Pres Hésam
• Danièle Hervieu-Léger - Conseil d’administration de l’Ined
• Claudia Senik - Conseil d’administration de l’Ined
• Yves Jalmain - Conseil d’administration de l’Ined
• Ariane Pailhé - Élue du personnel de l’Ined
• Patrick Simon - Élu du personnel de l’Ined

International scientific council

An international scientific council will give its expert opinion regarding the orientations and, based on an annual self-assessment, the scientific activity of iPOPs. It will comprise five representatives elected by the INED scientific council, including at least two foreigners, along with an eminent person appointed by each partner.

Selection and evaluation Committee

Last, the role of the selection and evaluation committee, comprising a representative of each university partner, will be to select the beneficiaries of the grants proposed by the excellence fund, on the basis of an international call for applicants communicated widely by the scientific partners. It will also assess the activity of grant recipients on a regular basis.


Membres élus représentant les unités de recherche de l'Ined

• Florian Bonnet - titulaire
• Xavier Thierry - titulaire
• Louise Caron - titulaire
• Virgine Rozée - titulaire
• Arlette Simo-Fotso - titulaire

• Stéphanie Condon - suppléante

Membre représentant des partenaires iPOPs

• Didier Breton – titulaire

• Sylvie Dubuc – suppléante

Membres extérieurs nommés

• Elena Ambrosetti - titulaire
• Christophe Bergouignan - titulaire
• Laure Hadj - titulaire
•  John Tomkinson - titulaire

• Alessandra Trimarchi - suppléante


Le Labex iPOPs est coordonné par la Direction des relations internationales et des partenariats (DRIP) de l’Ined:

  • Directrice des relations internationales et des partenariats :
    Sandrine Dauphin - / 01 56 06 22 85
  • Coordinatrice de projets en sciences humaines et sociales - PIA
    Anissa Djelassi-Saidani - / 01 56 06 20 76